In Sickness and In Hell

Well boys and girls, the old man has been laid up. It seems as you get a little advanced in age a common cold can jump to damn near pneumonia in just a few days. It all started after going out one night. I woke with a little sniffle, so right away I grab the over the counter cold medications in the medicine cabinet and jump right on it. I don’t have time to be sick. There’s work to be done and I’m just the one to do it! Soon I felt better and went on about my business. The next morning I woke up dead! Holy crap!!! I felt like shite! I couldn’t breathe through my nose and every breath I could get felt like I was burning my lungs up. My head was pounding, I ached all over, and nothing tasted good, and let me tell you that I like food, so this really sucked! The only light in this tunnel was no fever. I knew it wasn’t the flu, so that left bronchitis. After going through this a few times and having it turn to pneumonia, I knew I was going to have to nip this crap in the bud. Nip it! Now we really have to hit the meds, because I do not, DO NOT, want pneumonia again! So we have stuff to make you cough, stuff to make you not cough, stuff to stop the aches, stuff to get rid of snot, just all kinds of drugs. Hell half the time I feel like I’m married to drugs and kleenex! I hope to soon be back in my usual form, so until then, until death do us part…….mac

By the way, I ment no disrespect to married folks…really I didn’t…..OK maybe I did…………mac

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