Doorbells and Sundays

  Oh boys and girls, this might end up a rant. Is it just me or are people becoming more illiterate or just down right stupid. Here’s the set up, I was happily sleeping away this fine Sunday morning, when what should occur? Some idiot leaning on my doorbell using it to play a KISS tune, just to find out if I would like my yard mowed! DAMN! If I wanted the meadow that has become my yard cut, I would do it myself! The last thing anyone needs is the roaring sound of a lawnmower on a peaceful Sunday morning! I know, I probably should have been up getting ready for church, but I know God rested on the seventh day, so why can’t I, without idiots ringing doorbells! The thing that really kills it for me, is the No Soliciting sign under the doorbell. Are people just giving up on reading the English language? You see this kind of stupidity on the news all of the time. People walk right past the Wet Floor sign at the local fast food joint, slip,fall, and then sue the place for millions. Are people so wrapped up in a cheeseburger that they forget how to read? OK, OK, I will let it go now. People are stupid, Guinness is good, and that is the way of the world. I wonder if the lawnmower dude is going to sue me for not seeing the No Soliciting sign because I answered the door naked? …….until we next meet…mac

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