An Empty fridge

 Well boys and girls, I have made it through the darkness of being sick and returning to you, almost whole, only to find my fridge empty of the drink of the gods. It seems that before my convelesence, i had injested all of the Guinness in my stockpile. Either that or some cruel anti-Irish gnomes took it while I was near death. OK, maybe near death is a little strong, but DAMN, i was sick. So I finally feel near to my old self and having eaten a real dinner, decided to have a pint or two, when calamity reared it’s ugly head. No Guinness! I know, most of you would say, go to the store and get more. Well that is a bit easier than it sounds. I live in a small Texas town and most of the drink around here is geared to those who drink easy to find American beer. Being an Irishman does have it’s drawbacks. Now before you say, America love it or leave it, you should know that I was born and raised here, in Texas, but that I am very proud of my homeland, therefore, I refuse to drink anything but Irish alcohol. This can be a problem here. Of course I do have an agreement with a local merchant to carry Guinness, but it’s the fact that I don’t remember drinking all that I had that pisses me off. I’m sure it was the gnomes and I hope they had a grand time of it. So I sallied forth and aquired more, but to stay on the safe side, I put it on a higher shelf in the fridge. Piss on those gnomes. God created Guinness to keep the Irish from taking over the world…until we next meet…..mac

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